Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Latest Challenge

OK - I know that you are all cooking. It's time to blog about it again. Mary C had her first experience making real - yes... from scratch... ravioli pasta. Hopefully Greg took some pictures. Maybe we can convince her to describe her efforts and post the recipe.

Here is my latest challenge - One of the reasons we all love to cook delicious meals for our families is because our Mom set the bar for us early on.... I mean the "cooking bar".  She was into the whole 60's dinner party scene and with Dad's encouragement tried lots of new things. Cherries Jubilee anyone???? I think Dad almost burned the house down with that one.

Anyway - lets choose a memorable dish, or just one of your favorites and post the recipe and your pictures here. It doesn't have to be a full meal. It could be an appetizer, dessert, side dish or whatever you choose. It can also be your modern or adapted version of the dish.

Lets post it sometime before March 10th in memory of our beautiful mother.

BTW - If the brothers or in-laws want to contribute here - we would love it. I know that cooking in this family is not just a "sister" thing.